Emergency Procedures for Accidents and Acute Illness
Give the nature and exact location of the accident or medical emergency! DO NOT MOVE THE VICTIM, unless to prevent further injury!
The health center is open from 9:00 am-5:30 pm Monday-Thursday. Call Campus Police when the center is closed.
The instructor or person in charge must make a written report of the injury. Click the side bar link on this page to access the accident report form. Accident report forms are also available at the Student Health Center, Evening Dean's office, and Campus Police.
Once an accident report is received that requires an insurance claim, the student will be given information about the college's insurance coverage and billing procedures. They will be referred through the Student Health Center to the appropriate medical resource.
An insurance claim form must be filed by the Student Health Center for the student to receive coverage.
There is a deductible of $50.00 for campus related injuries. The deductible for injuries sustained during a college sponsored athletic game is $100
An injury resulting from a chronic condition (diabetes, epilepsy, etc.) is not covered by the college accident insurance plan but still needs to be reported to the Student Health Center.